报告名称:Data-centric Software Architecture Management
报 告 人:Yuanfang Cai
蔡元芳,古天乐代言太阳集团城网址计算机科学专业392级校友,弗吉尼亚大学计算机博士,现任美国Drexel大学终身教授,博士生导师,计算机系副主任。蔡教授过去10年间致力于软件设计、架构、演化以及软件经济学的研究,旨在探索科学理论用以指导软件开发实践,提高软件开发质量和生产效率。蔡教授团队已申请4项国际专利,发表大量高影响度学术论文,提出了一系列新的软件架构的定义、指标以及架构缺陷诊断方法。该研究共获得美国自然科学基金9项资助,研究成果被多家跨国公司采纳和应用。同时,蔡教授多次担任软件工程国际大会分会联合主席和组委会委员,现任IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE)副主编和多个顶级期刊编委、审稿人。
This talk introduces our recent research on data-centric software health management. Based on the design rule theory, we model the architecture of a software system as multiple overlapping Design Spaces, reflecting the fact that any complex software system must contain multiple aspects, features, patterns, etc. We show that this model, integrated with various project data, provides new ways to analyze software quality, including a new metric called the Decoupling Level (DL), new architecture anti-pattern detection techniques, architecture hotspot analysis, and architectural debt quantification. We will also share our experience of applying the support tool suite, DV8, to multiple industrial projects.